Tips, Traps and Trends

Valuable Insights for Managers from the Ringmasters of Deal Ring

By November 20, 2019 No Comments

By Holly Singer, HS Marketing, & Hedge Connection’s Director of Content

At Deal Ring October 24, 2019, held during the Global Fund Forum, we saw five hedge fund managers pitch to a panel of allocators (Ringmasters), in the style of Shark Tank, before a live audience. Under the tutelage of James Rosebush, we witnessed presentations that were clear, cohesive, and persuasive.

Prior to the presentations, James Rosebush spoke to the audience, and offered some of the tips he had been telling the managers over the past three days of coaching. These included:

  1. Find out who you really are; be your authentic self
  2. Defeat your fear
  3. Tear down the fourth wall; develop a relationship with your audience

During the panel discussion moderated by prior Deal Ring winner Jason Kliewer, Partner & CIO of Trumark Companies, the four Ringmasters shared timely insights, asset allocation criteria and capital raising advice prior to judging the managers. The Ringmasters addressed Jason’s questions including: What are the allocators looking for? What role does relationship play? Is there a courtship process? What is an appealing level of confidence? Does gut play a role in decision-making?

Here is what they had to say:  [Read here via Hedge Connection blog.]

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